
The last couple months have been something…I spent the last 2 weeks really THINKING about life.

As a result, 20 minutes ago, I made a decision that would affect my immediate future. I was confident with my decision and I was ready to get ready for work tomorrow with that in mind.

I turn on my overused and yet weirdly neglected MacBook Pro and clickety click onto WordPress. (I use Google Chrome; incase you wanted to really know how I do)

I struggle for about 10 minutes, as I try to remember my password. It’s been a bloody age since I actually pressed the “Publish” button.

I’m in. Title, done. Today’s date, Sunday…wait, WHAT, it is Saturday, 2nd January 2016. It is not Sunday. I do not have work tomorrow. Tomorrow is not Monday.

Oh shit.

So the decision that I made, is it still valid? I have an extra day to mull it over. 85% of me knows the way Monday will play out… But what if I change my mind in 24 hours?

Bloody hell indeed…


The Christmas Edit

8 months later, what has changed apart from the fact that I walked home in plimsolls, and by the time I made it home, my feet were cold and wet as well as my jeans. It was like 1999 where I wet myself all over again. (Just to clarify, 1999 didn’t happen, that sentence was added for affect!)

Winter or some weak version of it is definitely here and I dislike it, pretty much like every year. Once my birthday passes, what else is there exactly to say? Christmas, yay, or in my case, not.

Christmas jumper day? Screw you. More so because my boyfriend gave me sass and didn’t go shopping with me to get our matching Christmas jumper! Pah.

I have snagged myself a keeper and what he doesn’t know is that I previously dabbled in dark magic and he has been slipped a love potion more powerful than what Khloe Kardashian gave Lamar Odom.

Any whoo, I am a year older, and recovering from the fabulous work christmas party and I am doing okay! How many of you had burlesque dancers shaking their titties and winkies in your face!?

I wish I took more pictures to show you but I didn’t, so you will just have to deal with me, in a church, on a ledge, looking fabulous!


Me, green & fab
Me, Green & Fab

(As soon as the clock struck Alcohol’ O’Clock, I couldn’t quite tell you the sequence of events, but know, that everyone had a good time!)

2013, was very different from 2012 and I have to say, for the better! A great night with my work colleagues. It’s been a hell of a year but, I can’t say that I would change a lot. No regrets, just lessons. Blah blah blah insert as many clichés you can about becoming a wiser and stronger person.

Now, let me get into bed, some of us actually have to work tomorrow! ;-P


x Kisses x

A Friday Night with No Burrito!

Well hello folks! – Its sure been heck of a while!

During this hiatus, so many things have happened! First things first: Finn from Glee was found DEAD with HEROIN and alcohol in his body! Jeeez! I mean really? Heroin! I bet the whole Glee cast are all on drugs to keep them perky and alive for filming! All you Glee perverts, don’t get me wrong, I love Glee! *waves Glee concert foam hand in the air like I just don’t care* – but heroin, let’s be real for a second. That’s no party drug, that’s some serious ass addict shit.

It smells like Chuppa Chopps strawberries and cream lollipop!
It smells like Chuppa Chopps strawberries and cream lollipop!

In other news, I have discovered Original Source’s Vanilla Milk and Raspberry shower gel. Heaven [Heh-eh-ven] – cue orgasm sounds whilst showering!

ooh ooh it turns out, that knight in shining armour was the real deal. He’s still here! 4 months later and he’s only tried to kill me once! (Kidding!) I can’t even try and make a joke out of our relationship, it’s fantastic and I have become that annoying person on Instagram that posts pictures of us in cutesy poses! Don’t judge me, just like it or scroll down!

I have ashamedly been ignoring my duties as an E4 crony! I have not been shouting out for the new shows that have aired or come back to us! *hangs head in shame*

What I can say about the shows is that I don’t like Youngers. I don’t really care about seeing “youths of today” and how someone portrays their “lives”. I no longer care about SKINS, I’ve grown up now and I don’t give a damn about what Effie likes to suck.

MISFITS - Rudy is my fave!
MISFITS – Rudy is my fave!

What I do have time for is MISFITS! MISFITS is making a comeback and that, I have all the time in the world for! Misfits, Misfits, Misfits! Zap!

I have, thanks to my sexy boyfriend, have discovered Tortilla in Hammersmith and by god man! The burritos there are absolutely diviiiiiine! So delicious that I don’t even have the time to Instagram a photo because I am already halfway through eating my pulled pork baby before I stop for a sip on my juice!

The reason why I bring this up, is because, today, I finished work late. Busy catching up on all the lives I’ve had to say and it wasn’t an easy decision, but I’d fought with myself and came to a (good) decision. It’s payday Friday, I’ve worked hard this week, so I DESERVE a burrito.

I walk through the valley of death (walking to Wood Lane station, get on the new Hammersmith & Shitty) and walk up to Tortilla doors to see the most upsetting thing I had seen all day, week even! CLOSED. What, the, hell! The neighbour above them left the tap on and caused a flood in my beloved eaterie! BLAST YOU NEIGHBOUR. BLAST-YOU. *shakes fist*

So, I casually walk past and pretend that I wasn’t wanting to stuff my face and stroll down to Primark where I buy myself a £3 travel pillow, because, well, I can. I find myself in a fast food restaurant (which I am too ashamed to name) and taking my sordid purchase home. And here I am; munching on my **chicken sandwich and starting up my online journal for you all to read.

Let me punch this writing session in the throat so I can sip on my flat coke and I will be back for more crap talk soon! J

Super Kisses x

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